God Confessions Since 2009

Let go of your past and things that troubled your mind lately.

Important notice:
This website is not affiliated with any religion or any religious stream. God is no man’s property, God LOVES YOU regardless you’re origin, religion or sexual orientation, you’ll feel much better once you’ll pour your soul here (or in any other place) from time to time. That’s the main purpose of this website, use it as your online confession both, visit here from time to time and confess.

***Please note that we don’t store any personal data on our users, so if you need us to remove a curtain confession you’ll need to provide us some kind (any kind) of info that will help us locate and remove your confession.

Confess now, you'll feel better in a snap!

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1 entry.
testing wrote on December 26, 2023 at 9:28 pm
testing entry